samedi 24 mars 2012

Chronicles of a girl who missed her life !

Beaucoup de changement dans ma vie. Un nouvel appartement,le premier ou j'habiterai seule.Un nouveau boulot à partir de Juillet (que je n'ai toujours pas trouver!).Bon ,la vie sentimentale ne change pas du tout mais bon,on reste optimiste! Je profite de tout ce changement pour innogurer ce blog.J'y posterai mes tenues, mes sorties, mes amis et tout ce qui me passe par la tete.

Much change in my life. A new apartment, I will live alone .Un new job from July (I have yet to find!). My love life doesn't change at all but hey, we remain optimistic! I innogurer this blog. I'll post my outfits, my trips, my friends and everything that goes through my head.
XoXo <3

1 commentaire:

  1. Beautiful blog :)

    Look forward to seeing more from you! Would like to follow but I can't find a button to do so at the moment :( You need to get one!

    Sounds like you have lots of exciting things coming your way! :)

